Blog The Council and the Parliament reached a ‘political’ agreement on the EU Pact on Asylum and Migration On December 20, the Council and the Parliament finalized a political agreement on the important but controversial EU Pact on Asylum and Migration. The agreement implies the end of the phase of the ‘political’ trialogues between the Council, the Parliament, and the Commission. In the coming months, and most importantly before the end of the […] 28 December 20233 January 2024
Blog Kafala FAMIMOVE Transnational roundtable at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin (Paris Saclay) On 15 December, the second transnational roundtable took place in Paris. Professionals with a background in migration law, international family law and/or children’s rights law from Belgium, France and the Netherlands came together to discuss how kafala is treated in their country. They exchanged views about the challenges they face and the possibilities for improvement. […] 22 December 202322 December 2023
Blog Asylum and migration law in the post EU law age: the judgment of the UK Supreme Court on the UK-Rwanda policy On 15 November 2023 the UK Supreme Court, the highest jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, rendered a landmark judgment on the so-called UK-Rwanda policy. This policy, issued by the UK Secretary of State, implies that migrants, instead of the UK, should be sent to claim asylum in Rwanda. Therefore, their claims will then be decided […] 6 December 20236 December 2023
Blog Recent Changes in Italian Immigration and Asylum Law: A Step Back for Human Rights Protection of Migrant Children and Asylum Seekers In recent times, the Italian immigration and asylum system has undergone several changes at the behest of the government. The Italian government has indeed repeatedly used its power to adopt decree-laws, with the stated goals of combating illegal immigration and managing migratory flows efficiently. Examples include Decree-Law No 1/2023 on search and rescue operations, as […] 5 December 202322 December 2023
Blog Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection: the EUAA overview In November 2024, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) published a fact sheet, providing an overview of the most significant developments in the realm of family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection, as drawn from the EUAA Asylum Report 2024. Family reunification plays a key role in the integration within the EU of beneficiaries […] 13 December 202420 December 2024
Blog Research Output: Publication of the Book “Children in Migration and International Family Law” We are happy to announce that the book “Children in Migration and International Family Law” has been recently published and is available open access on the website of the publisher. The book is one of the main deliverables of the FAMIMOVE Project (together with the Awareness Raising Seminars, the Transnational Roundtables, the European Conference, and […] 11 December 202424 December 2024
Blog The Spanish reform of migration law: swimming against the tide? On 21 November 2024, the Spanish government adopted one of the largest migration law reforms recently seen in an EU Member State. To date, this reform is the only attempt in Europe to make migration law less restrictive. This will be achieved by introducing a procedure to regularize a high number of undocumented migrants currently […] 29 November 20241 December 2024