On 5 June 2023, an awareness raising seminar took place at Maastricht University (UM) within the framework of the FAMIMOVE project. This event focused on the interaction between international family law and migration law (incl. asylum) and was attended by Dutch officials and practitioners specialised in these areas. It offered an excellent opportunity to exchange practices, suggestions and discuss current and future challenges regarding the interaction between these two subjects. Discussions were very enriching and lively! UM would like to thank all participants for their active participation.
This is the second awareness raising seminar (out of 7) organized within the context of the FAMIMOVE project, the first one being held on 1 June 2023 at Ghent University. The seminars have the objective to raise awareness of the challenges in the field of international family law and migration & asylum law, to support and encourage stakeholders to further participate in the project activities and to collect feedback and best practices regarding the problems that such stakeholders are confronted with.
For more information, see the Section “About the Project” of FAMIMOVE website.
This blog has been authored by members of the University of Maastricht Team of the FAMIMOVE Project.
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